Welcome to Let’s Play Music with Susie. I have been passionate about music all my life and am thrilled to be able to offer an incredible music curriculum to families in Boise. I have five children of my own, who play a variety of instruments and who I can occasionally convince to sing 5-part harmony with me. Music is a proven ingredient in emotional, social and academic success, which I have seen firsthand in my own family and in the world at large.

Having spent much of my life involved in music and also as a beginning piano teacher, I’ve been asked to teach kids as young as four or five. I typically respond that kids younger than seven generally lack the dexterity (and often literacy) skills to be successful in a traditional half-hour one-on-one piano lesson. Not to mention, sitting on a piano bench for that long is ultra-boring for kids at that age. And yet, kids younger than seven have an immense aptitude for acquiring musical skills.

That’s where Let’s Play Music comes in. Children can learn music at a young age, if the right methods and environment are provided. I am thrilled to have found the Let’s Play Music curriculum so that I can offer music classes to young children in a way that is not just palatable for them, but invigorating! We teach in a group setting (which is how young kids learn best), employ a ton of movement to keep their attention, and introduce them to advanced musical concepts through games and play! They won’t even know they are learning because they are having so much fun!

I hope you’ll try it out! If you have any questions or comments, please contact me via my contact form. Or sign up for a sample class here!  You can also watch a video of me teaching and explaining the Let’s Play Music curriculum.